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Traditional Wedding Costume and The Acculturation’s

By Tentang Kursus - Jumat, 25 Desember 2015 No Comments

Arofatul Ulya
PBI A Universitas Muria Kudus

Enjoy to read guys.. :)

A mix marriage made the traditional wedding costume is so special. A male that come from Middle East still wear their nation costume, while a female still wear their nation costume also.

Kudus, is a little city in Central Java. As the little city, Kudus has many interesting culture as a proof that civilization in the last time this city was develop as well. One of them is the traditional wedding costume. At that time, a wedding couple in Kudus wear it. For a male, wear some special costume like Middle East. For female, wear some special dress that close to Europe. After the agreement of marriage, the just marriage go in procession around the town square of the city before go to a male house.
But in the 21st century, we can’t see the scenery of procession traditional wedding with many horse-drawn buggy and it accessories guide a wedding couple go along Town Street. Now we just can see the procession of modern wedding with luxury car for replace a horse-drawn buggy. As well as the costume, public more like modern wedding costume with the practicality than the traditional wedding costume. Whereas, a traditional wedding costume has uniqueness. The costume with name “Toto Kaji” is merger from Middle East culture, Europe culture, and also Java Culture.
The merger of Middle East culture seen from costume of male that wear long Arab style shirt, and in layer with such as robe like a Dumbledore costume in the Harry Potter. A part of head decorated with white sorban and string for head that made from gold and decorated with polished diamond. A glance, the male bride close to large scale merchant from Middle East. As usual, his performance more perfect with black eyeglasses that wear when procession go to female bride house.
For a female bride, the effects from Europe more close. As usual, female wear a white, or baby blue, or the other wedding dress. The veil in the head is impact from Europe culture, long dress as long as the foot, hand shocks, buckets, and the shoes also effect from Europe.
The appearance of Middle East costume caused by the merchant that comes to Kudus city many years ago. Most of them are male, so they’re stay for a long time. Then, they’re get married with indigene girls, Portuguese, or Chinese.
A mix marriage made the traditional wedding costume is so special. A male that come from Middle East still wear their nation costume, while a female still wear their nation costume also. The position of Kudus that take place at north beach, make so many outsider go there. Most of them stabilize in the city and made the plural society, because there a so many cultures in there. Although the traditional wedding costume is affected from Middle East and Europe, the procession still used Java Culture. 

The steps of the procession are:
  • Jomblangan                : Introduction steps
  • Nontoni                       : Give a chance for gents to see a ladies
  •  Nakokno                     : Ask for ladies, does she want to marry or no
  • Lamaran                     : Legacy of fience
  • Ater Tukon                  : Delivery “mas kawin” and get the date for maried
  • Wedding Ceremony     : Cleaned for couple who will maried, jonggolan, kembang mayang, married agreement, say welcome for just maried, ondrowino (Java culture party) with art and traditional music
  • Mbesturokno               : Accompany just married into parent in law’s house
But nowdays the traditional wedding costume has been not seen again, society that have an interested with this one culture is get low. In fact, there a so many person has been leave the traditional wedding costume and think that use modern costume is more practice. Perhaps, not only practical reasons that make the traditional wedding dress became not popular in own society, but the main factor is because of the absence of society pride traditional wedding costume.

Rebuilding Existence Traditional Wedding Costume of Kudus

Exposure above shows that the trading activity in Kudus has been there since long and sustainable for generations until now. Thus, the motto Gusjigang (Bagus, Ngaji, Dagang) is not a mere figment, but has been etched inside the Kudus society. Bagus means having a good character, Ngaji means expert in the science of religion, and Dagang means have skill in entrepreneurship.
Then, the Kudus society as citizens who uphold the values of courtesy, manners, and greatness should be proud to have the Traditional Wedding Costume, as a result of acculturation unique civilization. Especially on a national scale as a citizen of Indonesia, with all its traditional costume, charming islands, and tropical climate make the tourists are very interested in Indonesia.
Well, with great potential, to realize the whole society should really act pro-actively to the existence of culture. Like for example, as the rapid development of technology that we can use it as a medium of cultural promotion of effective and efficient. Until the end, not only the development achieved in a particular field but thorough with the preservation of culture.


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